A Daily Dose

By suejay50


This dear rescue dog is 14 years old.  She was 'rescued' with her sister Holly, but sadly Holly has since died, so Ivy is on her own and very clingy to her 'mum'. We enjoyed a coffee and chat, with Ivy trying hard to get onto laps!  
A sociable day as, after coffee I met up with an ex work colleague for an hour before hot footing it to the garage to get my tyres checked (tyre pressure warning showing) and then off to celebrate an 82nd birthday!  
All go.  
Feeling well fed and now relaxing at home before camera club tonight.
Car said -2˚ this morning and took some defrosting! I ought to go out for a stroll but have convinced myself it is too chilly - and we just had a short hail shower...

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