what one must do
I had it in my head that the wingpiglet's appointment for ChildSmiling was three-quarters of an hour earlier than the actuality, so had a wee bit of time to play with in between eventually finishing work (once, about eight years ago, I did manage to finish a half-day at exactly the end time of morning core hours) and picking up the boy from nursery which enabled us to collect his sun-hat from the house on the way back southwards and pop through the tunnel a couple of times, which (along with the locking-up delay) allowed me to cool down sufficiently to not be offensively sweaty in the waiting-room, particularly by the time we were called about half an hour after the official start time. The correct answers were given in response to the various questions about what are good things to eat and drink and he consented to have his teeth painted with whatever it is they get painted with. There followed an hour and a bit of playpark and then (after trying three places and finding that they lacked croissants) a short caféing, albeit mildly spoilt by two twerps coming outside to the tables to posture unnecessarily at an elderly parking-warden despite having clearly parked their big fat car in the wrong place.
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