sNOw Way is it Back!
A lovely sunny day, mostly calm and blue skies. Some more snow this evening, flat calm too.
Arrived safely at work. I headed out with Andrea this morning, we were on the business cooking oil run. Phone call came in on break, I was needed for the sooth essykert, another went down with illness. Jack driving, loading with Lewis. We did black bag waste around Sandwick and Cunningsburgh. A fine quiet evening at home, walkies with Sammy but mostly feet up.
There must have been a bit of snowfall overnight, woke up to another dusting of snow, enough to cause chaos this morning on the roads. It snowed from the west, across Scalloway, Gulberwick and south, leaving out Lerwick, Bressay and looked the same for Nesting and Whalsay. With more light snow tonight, we could be in for another day of snow tomorrow. Again, I'm happy with the snow, bright, cheery and easy to brush off. A bin stop snap at granddad's Maikie's old shop (left), Flanderstoon, Cunningsburgh.
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