One Big Circus
Last night we had a dog incident. I'd put some out-of-date clotted cream in the food caddy caddy in the kitchen. Without me hearing her, she'd found her way in and scoffed the lot! Since a dog's digestive system doesn't deal well with dairy products there were repercussions. She was sick twice before bed then several times during the night :-( The carpet shampooer came out this morning and the washing machine dealt with a rug and a throw. The joys!
Anyway, I rarely go into the City but I'd had an HMV gift card for Christmas and that's the location for the closest shop. It doesn't matter how often I go, I just can't resist capturing the panoramic view of Cabot Circus that emerges on route from the car park.
I managed to find seven CDs, a mixture of classics that I'd only previously owned on cassette tape(!!), albums by favourite groups, a compilation and a wild card local group. Plenty to be going on with.
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