Voyage of a Beagle & Lab

By Inez

Insufficient Training

Having D at home the last few weeks has been fantastic but I do feel that whenever we're not entertaining the children we have been making the most of the good weather and doing lots of jobs in the garden. We've now moved indoors and there is an ever increasing list of jobs that I would like done. Today I decided that while the children were otherwise entertained we would do something for us - we took the beagle for a walk to Rough Castle - not over exciting but it was great to actually both walk the beagle at the same time! Unfortunately not long into the walk my blood pressure was sent soaring by one of those annoying tourist types, all walking boots and poles for a wee stroll along the canal, who dared to comment on the behaviour of the beagle! Poor wee Coco's crime - she stopped to wait on a dog coming along behind us so she could say a friendly hello, she does this all the time and it does drive me a little mad but she's just a sociable wee thing who never jumps on and rarely barks at other dogs and doesn't show disappointment at those who walk on by. I commented on how stubborn Coco was and received the response - No, just insufficiently trained for the situation she was in. Some people obviously lack the training to know when to keep their opinions to themselves!
Oh ... and I got lots of shots of butterflies and bees without a Beelinda in sight.

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