Back Blip 30 01 2020
I’ve got into such a guddle trying to find all my missing Blips from previous years. 2020 was one of the worst years of my life with so much going on that I missed many, many days uploading. This is a photo of a photo taken for my late son in law with his brother. His loss has been terrible to bear, not only for his wife but also for the whole family.
I have also given up trying to maintain the numerical order as there are so many, I simply cannot renumber them all so I’m just going to go by whatever Blip tells me I’m up to when I’ve finished uploading all of the days that I actually did take photos but didn’t upload them on the day…..I have just had a thought, I hope this doesn’t breach any community rules? These photos were taken on the date specified and they’re mine and clearly labelled as back Blips?
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