Eco Dad +

By EcoDad


Picked up pal and partner and loaded the roof box with skis, picked up another day tripper and headed south.

I had suggested a wee hill I had not done and the challenge was to ski it. I am not a skier and last time was 13 years ago.

3 confident cross country skiers and me with skis with skins on.

A walk to up road to start and skis on, a bit of coaching and encouragement and I was off. A quad path held snow so this was out route to the summit. The skins made the uphill easier for me and others put them on.

Skied to the summit trug. Stunning views all around. Chat and a bit of advice on my downward journey.

Managed to stay up the too steep and going too fast so walked that bit and skied the rest out.

Brilliant day with patient and kind people.

Home dropping off people.

Quiet night.

Arkle and finn walked on a frozen field.

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