
By Ferjen


It was an early start for the 6:45 train. The car was covered in thick ice where it had rained so much and frozen.  The blip is the frozen roof of the car. 

I was actually aiming for the 7am train, but the 6:45 was delayed so got on that one.   Bus to the office and then a good meeting with my new line manager.  He gave me a pep talk and said lots of nice things.  Travelled back to Farnborough at lunch time as had a (difficult) client meeting in the afternoon there.  A busy day for the first day back but I am feeling motivated and excited about my new role.  

I was grumbling to John this morning about the early start, and cold weather, trains etc and then I reminded myself that this time last year, I had just had cycle 3 of the drug, my eyes and mouth were swollen and covered in blisters and I was about as low as I would get through it all and about to be admitted to hospital,  and this year is so much better, so horray for cold morning, horray for the energy to be able to get up early and horray being safe to travel by train without fear of infections! 

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