
By strawhouse

Results Day

BACKBLIP. Filling in some gaps

It felt like a long time coming but today was the day. Miss E got her GCSE results. She did so brilliantly and we are so so proud of her.
We drove her down to school just before 8am. Why does it have to be bloody 8am??? What’s wrong with 10.30? Or noon?!!!
Mr K and I were instructed to stay in the car while she went in. We had to watch all the other parents going by with their kids. Presumably to stand at the gate because they weren’t allowed in!
They all started to come out again and we’d heard nothing from Miss E. It was horrific. Far more nerve-wracking than waiting for my own results!
Eventually, after what felt like several hours, she rang with news.
In the English exam she misread one of the questions about An Inspector Calls and wrote a whole essay about Mr Birling before realising it was supposed to be Mrs Birling. Then - rather then crying and panicking and walking out which is what she wanted to do - she crossed it out and spent the rest of the time writing the right essay.
She was devastated because English is her thing and to fall at the last hurdle, when it actually counts, would have been such a huge disappointment.
So there was no way she could have got her 9.
Only she did!!!!!! Whoop whoop!!!!!! Clever sausage!
She dropped two marks over both papers apparently. TWO marks!!!!!
She gets it from me!
The rest of the results were awesome too but that’s the one she rang to tell us. She sounded so happy it made me cry!!!

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