Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Another Day in Narnia!

The moment when you arrive at school having trudged through the snow and navigated the be greeted by the caretaker on the phone to the headteacher...who promptly closes school! Time for a u-turn and back to Queensbury I went...! 

My collage shows from top left clockwise: 
* The snowy scene across the valley. 

* Road chaos! The pavements are so full of snow you have to work hard not to become totally submerged up to your knees!! 

* My garden and house. 

* The snowy scene once more. 

* First thing this morning in the foggy snowy stuff!! 

I've enjoyed time to complete a jigsaw and do some mindfulness colouring too, so there's always a bonus in that as well. :-) 

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