things, bits & bobs...

By Nicpic


What a day for sure! It started at about 7am with my trying to walk to work - no chance, even with boot grips firmly attached. I slipped & slid, fell in the ice & snow & gave up - deciding that broken bones were not something I wanted today.

Instead, I waited until about 8am when quite a few cars had gone down my little road & set off in the car. That was so much easier. Once at the main road it was fine & amazingly clear road up the very steep hill to school.

We had a late start which worked well but then heavy snow started again at lunchtime & so parents began to come & pick up their children.

I'm now back home - all good on that journey. Let’s  see what tomorrow brings.

Blipcheat - a snowy view from a year or so ago. It would have looked like that today if I had been able to get there to take a photo.

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