Wendy's World

By Wendles56

Solar Panels Clear - Check!

I walked up to the next village this morning to give the Parkrun Meadowometer to friend R who is a dab hand with wood and ideas.  As the original is just plasticised cardboard, it is suffering from the weather and being stored in a damp container, so R has taken it on as a project.  Watch this space, I am never disappointed.  We had a good catch up on families and R showed me the wonderful theatre he had made for his grandchildren this Christmas, endless fun !

I set off in a short lived snowstorm and turned back home under beautiful blue skies (it's snowing again as I type) so I had to pause to blip our street in the distance.  This was a regular stop for me when I was still working and cycling to and from work, but I'm not sure if I've ever blipped it in snow.

The solar panels have been on a year and almost a half now and they clear of snow pretty quickly so our roof stands out on the terrace.  Not much solar in snowstorm weather!

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