Over Yonder

By Stoffel

The Fly

In 1958's "The Fly" scientist Andre accidentally goes through a telepod with a fly and they switch body parts.  The fly has his head  and he's needing a hat and a Gillette Mach 3 to put it mildly.  He needs the fly to reverse the process but can he find it before intellect is overcome by insecty instinct?!   
In the remake Jeff Goldblum is at first unchanged apart from new powers such as the ability to bang himself off windows while avoiding rolled-up newspapers and the ability to sit on jam sandwiches while no-one is looking.  But he gradually develops odd-looking hair and a twitch, like Bruce Forsyth, and when Geena Davis finds him circling a bucket of manure, she realises something is amiss.   
This story is perfect for David Cronenberg with his obsession on how the body can corrupt the mind, and although it's a deeply yucky film it's also rather intelligent and philosophical.  For this reason I enjoyed it despite the fact that it's not very scary and the effects have Jeff hopping about in a silly rubber suit like a Belgian on "Jeux Sans Frontieres".  The 58 version also has silly effects, but still gave me nightmares at the age of 5, partly due to THAT ending and partly due to My Evil Sister squeaking "help meeeeeee!!" all night.
I've been phobic about spiders ever since.  And sisters.                        
The Fly '58 - 4/10     The Fly '86 - 7/10

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