Over Yonder

By Stoffel

It's Alive

I suppose being pooped on is a routine peril of parenthood; but what you don't expect is for your newborn to attack the medical staff shortly after delivery as happens in the film "It's Alive!"  Mind you, the obstetrician deserved it as he was going around saying "My GOODNESS this is a GIGANTIC baby with a HUGE head!!" during labour, which is justification for the mother to hop out of her stirrups and stab the doctor with a cold speculum, if you ask me.               
It turns out that she's given birth to a Killer Mutant Psycho Baby, which 
upsets dad no end.  Presumably he's checking out the milkman to see if he's got claws and fangs too.  But no - this is down to pollution apparently, so this is actually a salutary warning fable and not at all a silly horror film about people holding a rubber baby to their faces while screaming "Get it off me! Get it off MEEEEE!!" 

An awful film.  Well, all right, it was a bit funny in parts.  1/10.            
p.s.  According to this month's "The Tatler", "Pooey" is a real nickname given to an actual person.  As is "Botty", "Drip-Drip" and "Flappy" Sidebottom. Oh, and not forgetting the Rasche brothers, Dick and Willy.  

You may also be interested to know that "Pooey" Gubbins later became engaged to a man named Harry Bott.

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