Over Yonder

By Stoffel

Some Like It Hot

"Some Like It Hot" is the best comedy ever made.  It may even be the best film. 

Joe and Gerry are musicians on the run from the mob who disguise themselves as women in an all-girl band.  ("We'll get killed and taken to the women's morgue and when they undress me I'll just die of shame.")   
Marilyn Monroe is glamorous and charming, Tony Curtis has fun as "Josephine" and as a frigid tycoon doing a Cary Grant impression.  ("What's WITH that stupid accent?!  Neow-body tawks loik thet!!")  But Jack Lemmon, with his air of constant panic would steal the show if it weren't for Joe E. Brown as a lecherous old millionaire. 

Please don't over-analyse it.  It's FUNNY.  That's all you need to know.  Oh, and watch that corkscrew!  10/10                     
SUGAR:  Water polo sounds awfully dangerous.                              
JUNIOR: Ew it is.  Oi hed three horses drown under me lahst yee-ah.                                                                                
p.s.  I have to admit, as double-bills go, an evening of cross-dressing musicians and headless immortals does take some beating.

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