Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Back to normal life

Oh it was cold this morning, the weather seemed very localised too. In most of EH4, North of Corstorphine Hill, there was no snow to be seen. Just a mile away from the top of the hill though and down into Corstorphine and EH12, there was hard packed icy snow on the pavements and verges and the grassy areas had quite a bit of snow left on them. Very strange.
We drove over to Ali's with a car load of her teaching materials. She was taking them into school to get organised for tomorrow. She also had time to see Bonnie for part of her first part day in nursery. All seems to have gone well thank goodness.
I came home and wrote some complicated emails and contacted the Dean about a catch up visit re the vacancy this weekend. I'm pleased we're getting that done
I intended making a batch of Bolognaise today but just didn't get around to it for some reason.
We had a bought pizza for dinner as we had to be quick as bridge started again this evening. Despite awful hands, we managed to come second which was surprising, we must have managed to use what we had well.
Blip is outside Corstorphine Primary School, someone must have had fun deciding what to put on the arms. I'm curious as to what the Unicorn is, which is 3 miles away!.

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