Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

The Before

My daughter treated me to a make up session in Dun Laoghaire for my birthday some time ago. This is me beforehand.

We both had massages, Ayurvedic something or other, eyebrows plucked and a ton of mush on our faces. Holy Moly. Never again.

Seriously. My own routine is as follows: Wash me face in cold sudsy water in the morning. Sea water splash at 8. Hot shower at 10 and then a thick coat of Nivea at 10.30.

And then enough. Lipstick is then applied. Tweed parfum is then misted around me and I’m good to go.

A women needs to go with what suits her. Don’t listen to the adverts. But never, never, put the bins out without your lipstick on. That’s my advice

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