Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

Second verse...

...same as the first...

New snow overnight - another 6 inches or so!

It also brought a prolonged powercut overnight too...

We had a disturbed night as the carbon monoxide alarm makes a loud announcement as it powers up again, and initially the outage was sporadic. Roy eventually unplugged the alarm at about 6am, we had a cuppa and went back to bed. Power still off later in the morning, so we had another cuppa in bed, before donning our petanque gear to stay warm indoors ;) 

PowerGrid suggested the cut might last til 5pm, so Roy retrieved the Calor gas cylinder from the shed, and we set up the heater which we bought a few years ago when cuts were becoming frequent. This is the first time we've used it - good job we are preppers ;) 

As it turned out, the power came back on at about noon, which had been their initial assessment, so we're cosy again!
We're keeping the heater set up though, just in case...

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