
A horrible day weatherwise - lashing rain then drizzle, wind and mugginess. The hoovering had to be done. Rather embarrasingly, these are just some of the books that have accumulated at my side of the bed. Now you have to guess which is my favourite.

I went for a swim nonetheless as I was determined to swim every day in July and have accomplished that. It wasn't much fun today - low tide, jellyfish, murky water and winds. Apparently there is a jellyfish bloom going on.

Off out tonight to see the Fit Up Theatre Company. Ever year this little band of actors heads out to remote areas to bring plays where no plays are normally seen. We are treated to one play a week for the next four weeks and they are held in the village hall down in Kilcrohane. We went to every play last year and were just stunned at the quality of the performance. I think tonight's play is called Love in the time of OCD - I'll report back.

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