A Brief Bond Between Species
We found him struggling near the edge of the pond.
His neck trapped between 2 branches of a downed Cottonwood limb.
Without a thought, #1 waded into the water to release the trapped bird.
Once free, the little goose teeter- tottered, while flapping his wings furiously. Only to collapse. Then get up, move a few feet, flap, then fall.
After a sip of water he’d try again and again.
It didn’t look good, but he wasn’t going to die alone.
Here’s a bird who’d never been alone in his entire life.
Always part of a big boisterous batch of geese.
I told him he was the most handsome and the bravest snow goose ever.
“I’m not going anywhere. I’ll stay with you.”
Finally, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes.
I guess if I were dying alone, a little snow goose standing by would make all the difference.
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