Feeding time
Andrew goes up to NDF, the lease block, every morning to check the sheep and cattle and give them some supplementary feed - hay and rolled grain. Diving in among the cattle at the trough with his buckets of grain as they push and jostle is a bit of a feat.
In the extra is a beast that would be from one of the Queensland Brahman type cows, and by the Angus bull. He didn’t like the look of me at all, tossed his head and trotted off. He displays hybrid vigour and is nice and shiny, with a bit of red through his coat.
I was looking at the back of their feet. They walk on two toes, and have two rudimentary toes. Presumably they evolved from a five-toed creature and one of the digits has disappeared. Would it have been the equivalent of our thumb, on that side? It is theorised that in the horse, the three middle digits fused, leaving two splint bones, one on either side.
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