
By Martigan

Are you old enough…

        …to remember Glitterwax?  The spellchecker, evidently, is NOT that old & marks as a mistake.
       It seems very few are that old;  did a search with, almost, zero result.  I fetched up in "Sheffield forum" where one "named" Texas said:-"Anybody remember Glitterwax? and was answered thus, by oldrowley:-
"And that's it basically. What was it? I remember chewing it because you couldn't get chewing gum.

All I recall is a stick of wax, possibly in a cardboard tube about five or six inches long, maybe triangular. This could be warmed in the hands and moulded into different shapes. Definitely not for chewing though although we probably all did. Don't remember how the 'glitter' came into it."
       I remember it, but not the Chewing-gum substitute.
WHY ask?  Well my Christmas Hamper contained two Wax-shrouded Cheeses, neither of which lasted long; wrapped in a Wax made malleable by body/hand heat.
       On the left   - One of the waxes.
       On the right- The other Wax.
       In between -  Would you believe equal amounts of each, well mixed.

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