Wanderings and meanders

By A9J


V&A Dundee

Made it to the Kimono to Catwalk exhibition, on its final day. J joined me for a day away from dreich weather in Edinburgh, ahead of return to work tomorrow. The exhibition was well worth travelling up for. Good variety of historic kimono (with exquisite embroidery and dying techniques) through mass-produced and broader influence of kimono to modern interpretations. Also woodblock prints and various objects. It was also nice to see a former colleague who happened to be up for the exhibition too, even if just in passing.

Despite yellow weather warnings there were no train issues and, though Dundee was overcast, it wasn't too cold and no sign of snow or rain (though the V&A is only a very short walk from the train). It was trying to snow in the centre of Edinburgh when we left and sleeting on our return. A good excuse to break the walk home with a pause at Maki & Ramen.

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