D may be bald but he grows a great pair of antlers every year :-)))
We were a bit more active today and started dismantling the Christmas decs. They're always much faster coming down than they are going up. Gathering everything into a central point in each room, ready to be packaged and bagged. We are now very organised (after years of putting things in random bags) and every room has its own storage bag. Makes life so much easier.
After tackling 3/4 of that, we decided enough was enough for one day and ordered an Indian takeaway for tea. Watched the final episode of Vera. Fabulous series.
Messaged Nikki to see how her scan had gone yesterday. After lying in breech position for weeks the little monkey is now head down and engaged. Woo hoo! Hopefully she will avoid a c-section now. If she's still in pain and in so much discomfort in two weeks, the hospital might induce her. The thought of them letting her go 10 days over her due date of 28th January is upsetting her a lot!
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