It’s those sheep again Dad!
Another wild night, wind and hail rattling on and off didn’t provide a good night’s sleep. However I was laying down so my legs should have been ready for another day of adventure, I wasn’t feeling as good as usual but pushed on like I do!
We left for our morning walk after a bowl of porridge, it seemed dark but we didn’t need a torch, rain was varying between fine mist and heavy showers. The streams were building up to full spate and flushing out lots of debris without too much effort from Dippy and I.
The same time in the woods, little rivulets were forming and running everywhere. We got very wet but with temperatures in double figures we were warm underneath our respective coats.
After changing clothes and drying Dippy, I started to prepare a beef and venison stew with plenty of vegetables.
As it was cooking I tidied up, rearranged my cupboards and took down my Christmas decorations.
A tasty meal was enjoyed, Dippy giving his portion the paw up :) apple pie and cream followed nicely before a damp hour around the farm perimeter.
Ready for an early night.
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