2025 Saturday — Sunrise, Sunset
Sun-up picture: 6:50 a.m.
Sundown picture: 5:14 p.m.
This was an amazingly colorful day as it arrived and as it exited. Thankfully during the middle hours I was able to collect most of the Christmas decorations into one place to later be deposited into plastic storage tub. Because I often blend our Thanksgiving decorations with our Christmas decorations, I also needed to gather the gourds, pumpkins, and autumn leaves. We had arrived, actually gone beyond, the day to do a thorough cleaning.
I always have plenty of cards, letters, brochures, and magazines and even old photos that tumble out of some of the cards that need to be eliminated. Letting go of some of those things is harder than it ought to be and that’s why I know I am a clutter bug.
I guess there are worse things I could be.
That’s the first Saturday of January.
From Cayucos on
California’s Central Coast,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun) aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!
P.S. Our power was out for approximately 50 minutes late this evening 11:15-12:10.
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