With apologies to Morgan Freeman
"Let me be the first to tell you, drinking alcohol is the worst thing to do in cold weather. Hot soup is the best because the process of digesting food helps to warm you up." - Morgan Freeman
I just couldn't get warm today. Walking the woofer I wondered why, when I am swaddled in multiple layers I felt frozen while other people in the park seemed to be ok - even those only wearing a jacket. Later, I drove to Asda (too cold to walk) where again I felt very cold as, with stiff blue fingers I filled the trolley with potential kilojoules that will later generate some body heat.
Earlier this evening I 'Googled' why some people seem to be more susceptible to the cold - myth or fact? Whilst living in Turkey for so long may have had an effect on my tolerance, apparently it is true that some really do feel it more, particularly affected by age, gender, health - especially heart and circulatory disorders, BMI and hydration. Well, I can't do much about the first three - but I remedied the last with a couple of beers tonight while I watched two Netflix movies - after I had a cup of soup of course !
It was raining snow when I took Rufus around the block at 22.30 and by midnight it had settled as a light white dusting covering and silencing the street.
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