Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Hugo, Adriana and little Luigi

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Met up in the afternoon with Hugo (who helps us out here with things on the ground when we aren’t here), his wife Adriana, and 8-month-old Luigi. It was the first time we’d met Luigi and he was interested in everything and at the stage of putting everything in his mouth. This parrot that we bought him fitted the bill (excuse the pun)!

Some Japanese food at night.

PS: for those who saw yesterday’s blip, we bought the mosquito racquet within 5 mins of leaving the flat, then spent hours, unsuccessfully, trying to find trainers for me! I’m really not that fussy - just something comfortable and that look ok. Many shops didn’t have any in my size. Some had my size but they didn’t fit. Others were too obvious or too boring.
The strip light is still on the shopping list.

PPS: A mosquito racquet is a bat (rechargeable plug in) which zaps mozzies. We like to have one in the studio here and sweep it round the room from time to time.

PPPS: I bought trainers today in a shop on the way along to meet Hugo and family - a shop 5 mins from our flat and I had a choice of four, all the right size!!

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