A frosty start again, torchlight was required for the first foray across the fields as we were volunteering at ParkRun.
Standing in one place for nearly an hour chilled me to the bone, we soon found a warm spot in a cafe. Chai latte (caffeine free ) and apple cake were enjoyed in the company of 3 locals who regularly meet there to swap their tales of seafaring times in the navy. Warmed by the drink and the banter we headed for a march around the town. I found another estate agent to put my name on their rental property list whilst Dippy found a fake mallard and entertained us by seeing how high he was able to toss it into the air.
I found a pie dish in the Children’s Hospice shop with 24 “ blackbirds” around the edge, I planned on putting some of the apples that the redwings and fieldfares hadn’t yet attacked in a pie not four and twenty blackbirds:) I also found some fascinating glassware which might be a blip feature soon.
Back to base for some lunch and to construct the apple pie with flaky pastry and using up the remnants of mincemeat and with the addition of some sweet cinnamon.
Another walk across the fields before dark and in a blizzard of snow, sleet, and hail. We used the lee of the hedges and woodland to try and stay out of the bitter winds before returning home after an hour to warm up again.After supper it was a case of listening to the weather rattling on the roof and listening to classic FM whilst Dippy chased ducks in his dreams.
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