Canada Cliff Across Echo Lake
Not really the photo I wanted to get, but it will have to do for now. The photo I wanted was of the snow clinging to these cliffs as the sun strikes them early in the morning, which is how it sometimes looks when I see them through the trees on my way to work. However, there is seldom time to pull over and take that photo, and even if there was there is no safe place to pull over and take that shot. So instead I went later in the day and bushwacked along the shore until I found a vantage point approximating the view I was thinking of. Technically, this also involved some mild trespassing. On the plus side, I came across a decent fishing rod tangled in the brush and half submerged and partially frozen in the water. I did a little shore cleanup and brought it home. Not sure when I would ever use it to go fishing, but you never know.
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