
By tridral

Ffagl gwareiddiad

Ffagl gwareiddiad ~ A beacon of civilization

“A developed country is not a place where the poor have cars. It's where the rich use public transportation.”
― Enrique Penalosa

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Mae'r adeg o dywydd oer yn parhau. Es i am dro'r bore hwn, tra roedd dal rhew (frost) ym mhobman. Nawr mae'r eira yn cael ei ragweld, yn dilyn gan law oer. Gaeaf go iawn.

Roeddwn i'n diddordeb mewn y arosfannau bysiau yn aros am deithwyr y bore. I fi, cludiant cyhoeddus yw un o'r arwydd gwareiddiad. Roeddwn i'n hapus bod pobl yn gallu mynd i'r gwaith heb gar - ond doeddwn i ddim yn eiddidedis a neb a oedd yn gorfod mynd allan y more hwn. Roeddwn i'n hapus i fynd yn ôl i'r tŷ a dod yn gynnes.

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The period of cold weather continues. I went for a walk this morning, while there was frost everywhere. Now snow is forecast, followed by cold rain. A real winter.

I was interested in the bus stops waiting for the morning passengers. For me, public transport is one of the signs of civilization. I was happy that people could go to work without a car - but I didn't envy anyone who had to go out this morning. I was happy to go back to the house and get warm.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg) :  Arosfan bws, yn aros ar ei theithwyr.

Description (English) :  A bus stop, waiting for its passengers.

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