Adam's Images

By ajt


For those that can't guess this is the innards of a Schneider Electric dual-pole light switch. When It was taken out (even though there was nothing wrong with it and replaced), the old copper wires into it were simply snipped. Getting the old wire stubs out so new ones could be inserted was a royal pain in the posterior - as a lot of French wiring uses push fit connectors and not screw down terminals as used in other countries. Sometimes there is a clear release button, sometimes there isn't...

These switches do come with little clips you can press which sort of release the copper but they only work so far, and in this case they didn't work at all. I managed to prise the case open and remove the copper stumps, but I've no idea how to put it together again, so it still works. The case is shown here in the open position with the little metal rocker which as the switch, but while I can get the spring to sit correctly on the little stub in the centre of it, it won't snap close and still work.

Another try to the DIY shop will be required later this week...

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