
By Crispin25

Air fryer

A large box came rattling down our chimney for Christmas
Lo! It turned out to contain an air fryer.

I have stared at it in fear and trepidation for some days but decided to commission it today.

I used the preheat function to clean off the factory residues and immediately set off the smoke alarm in the kitchen.

Cue the fire brigade but you will be relieved to know that a few mince pies distributed around hungry fire fighters restored calm and there were no repercussions.

I decided to use ingredients for a well known favourite of ours and here it is.

Butternut squash with bacon, chestnuts and crispy sage leaves.

Very different to the conventional oven roasted dish; drier and crispier but nevertheless, a triumph.

We have arrived in the World of Air Fryers!

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