Morning after
A tilting glass of watered down IPA in the pouring rain seems an appropriate enough symbol for the day after a party. We were supposed to be meeting a nearby blip family for a paddle in the river this morning... but instead popped over there for a cup of tea in the warm instead. Lovely to catch up a bit with their news, and to hear all about a very exciting project that is underway.
Sadly, we couldn't stay long, and headed back through the puddles to my folks to pack up, eat a quick lunch and say our farewells. Though I said I wouldn't dwell on the mean comments last night, I couldn't not - it's not in my nature - so that put a bit of a downer on the day for me.
The drive north was not nearly as rainy as it could have been and we arrived at Mr B's folks in time to take them to Aunty Betty's for dinner (at 4.30pm, will we start eating earlier one day I wonder?) A lovely evening with a fine spread of food and showing Aunty B how to use Facebook so she can keep up to date with all the Canadian relatives. Home then to drop of the senior B's and on to our place in Fife and sleep - it's been a rather exhausting few days.
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