Back Light.

After a complicated start to the day caused by G turning up to do some garden maintenance at heights and places that The Boss feared to tread and ME being denied the access required under the Wheaten Greeting Act (and amendments), things picked up when The Boss decided to return to the Outlet area for a Blipathon with associated run.
We do not usually go there at this time of day and the sun was completely behind the lake which caused The Boss to go completely mad and ignore my repeated verbal requests to move along, instead wasting valuable run time setting up his tripod and doing all the other stuff associated with looong waits with ME tied to his belt to prevent the WOB syndrome (Wandering Off Bored) which has caused trouble in the past.

When we did wander off, after a complete take down and put up again 'Cos the light had got even better, we encountered S and D, and got a demo of S's REALLY cool Swiss dual tone solid state bike bell. (No batteries required).
"You can trust The Swiss to come up with something of this quality after the years of research and development carried out on COWS that wander the alpine meadows", The Boss said, and by comparison D's made in C.... one was pathetic. Of course the one time S had tried her Dwinger was a complete failure as the Dwinged lady (with an older Lab) was being "Ippodded" at hi decibles and wouldn't have heard a road train coming up behind her anyway and the Lab probably wouldn't have cared.
I have ranted about bike bells before so I won't go there again but the executive summary was that NZ'ers are completely pathetic about using them preferring to come up behind you and yell "Comingthroughontheright" and then passing you on the LEFT. This behaviour is sponsored by the local medical centre's A & E dept and actually happened last Monday with the B team. Yes the bloke involved did apologise and the Walkers always give blokes on bikes a wide berth anyway so the A & E Dept missed out that time.

Amazing things happen with back lighting especially in Winter when the sun is low. The lake is normally blue you kno.
The shot is SOCwjaflrts (Straight Out of camera with just a few LR tweeks) which is supposed to be very good (The Boss says) Not sure I understand that at all in a digital world...but what would I kno. I could never handle screwing an ND filter on the camera with my nails.

Grab the smoked glass

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