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Why is it, the best photos are in the most inconvenient spots. It was a gorgeous day today. There was no humidity and the air quality was clear. The sun was out but it was not too warm, it was perfect. I was driving to my sister's house on the parkway and I felt like I could see for miles ahead of me. I saw many great possible shots on the way but I was driving and I thought had the whole day ahead of me.
Today was workout day. I did pretty well and unlike last week, I had no problem walking afterwards. Last week was clearly just an adjustment to having taken time off from working my muscles. Thank goodness!!
As it happens, time gets away from me and before I was heading home, I remembered I had not taken a picture yet. I thought I would stop on the way home before I got back on the parkway. When you are looking for possible photo opportunities, as you are driving it never seems to work out without causing a possible catastrophe. You see something and passed it. Before I knew it, I was back on the parkway and there is no safe way to stop on the parkway. There are too many lanes of traffic with too many cars driving much too fast.
Of course, this happens to be when the sky looks the most beautiful; the angle of the sun is just perfect and it was making everything glow. There were unobstructed views that were perfect. Everywhere I looked was missed blips! It is frustrating to say the least.
I finally get home, pull into the driveway and take out my camera as the sun is setting. I realized that everywhere I pointed the camera I had telephone wires, trees and houses obstructing the view of the sky. I tried a few shots but the sun was fading into the horizon quickly. So, I used one of the photos for my blip and I added a little creative editing.

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