Blip books
My family thinks I need serious entertaining, (brought more games and Maple) even tho the hospice nurse was here today and sees no particular hurry. The girls spent a long time a few days ago looking for a particular event when Fiona was little and she and Boppa got stuck in the elevator at the Henry gallery. These were the original made by blip books, not as sturdy as blurb books. And they didn’t find the right event,,,,,I think I was there at an exhibit ….not missing them. The elevator people saved them. Of course Fi had to go to the bathroom. My friend today was looking at all the new conversations about death and dying recently. What a change. Blip is such a great place for all kinds of things. . I dunno…Maybe I’m truly going to have to look for new projects… while struggling to breathe..…tomorrow I’ll demonstrate what I mean about the new LR and PS. So many things (the photo app) look new and different. Now it’s time for salmon and Janssons temptation for dinner.
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