Widespread and crisp, even the mole hills were solid, not surprisingly after all of the moisture that has fallen here recently.
We walked through the frost covered fields toward the stream with Dippy bright eyed and bushy tailed, we managed just a small amount of waterway clearing before heading into the woods and observing the bird life on the feeders.
The pre sunrise was inspiring, Jays were noisy and I saw a rook with nesting material in its beak.
I popped into town briefly and picked up some local venison I’d been looking forward to from a decent butcher, a pig’s ear for Dippy will be enjoyed just as much!
The green grocery next to the butcher shop had some special vegetables mostly locally grown and a perfect accompaniment to the venison.
A chilly walk around the farm again through the woods amongst the sound of Dippy and pheasants clattering about. Dippy did spot a squirrel and gave chase with the squirrel escaping through the lamb netting and through the hedge.
A chilly start to the day and a chilly end.
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