Today I got out with Django before dawn, which isn't difficult when sunrise is 08:43. The extra captures the wonderful pre-dawn colour, but there only so much a phone camera can catch in terms of detail. It was very icy underfoot, as we wandered around the edge of the Estate, before walking through the beech woods of Lowrie's Den.
Back home, I checked the estimate to have our radiators replaced, agreed, but told them about the radiator I'd forgotten to show them. Then I started to get myself back into work mode.
I'm still not overlooking the personal things I promised I'd get around to. Yesterday evening I submitted my tax return, the attic office is tidy and hoovered, and I've started on my room. I also spent an hour talking to daughter L. Her life in London would be so much easier if she could buy a small flat, so we looked at how she could combine her inheritance with funding from me.
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