A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer

Hostnight / 13 years!

The completion of 13 years of blipping and, yes, it's a boardgame :o)

It's still weird to have managed this length of a diary, for that is what blip is for me.  It was a surprise to reach 25 blips, so if you happen to have come across this as a new joiner, take encouragement.  If I can do it...

Thanks as ever to the few stalwarts who keep blip running and the amazing place that it is; and to my few but regular viewers.  I don't comment as much as I'd like, but really appreciate your comments here.

As has become the norm now, we have a small, private games weekend over the New Year.  This morning we were searching for extra terrestrial life - and found some!  This afternoon we're putting on TV shows and the convenient arrival of the above 'celebrity' seemed right to blip today.

Games and laughter went on until the early hours - an extreme rarity for us, but a delight to share a special time with a great bunch of guests who have become friends.

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