The Cat Mafia
My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,
As you probably know, I'm a very deep sleeper. Back at Aurora Terrace, I didn't just sleep through Caro calling noise control on our then neighbours, I also slept through noise control actually ARRIVING and taking readings that exceeded the decibel limits for a night club.
I sleep deep, is what I am trying to say.
This is your context for my leaping out of bed in shock at 12.02am last night because some EFFER fired a CANNON.
Or some bloody thing.
It wasn't even New Year's Eve anymore! This is now technically the SECOND of January!!
I opened our shutters and then immediately closed them again. It had sounded more like actual GUNFIRE than fireworks. And I didn't want to get shot while wearing my "Lucipurr" horror cat t-shirt.
I love that t-shirt. I wasn't taking any chances.
"It's our [VERY BAD WORD] neighbours," said Caro the next day. She too had been awoken and the cats panicked by the explosive fireworks. Caro was fuming. Crashy and Digi HATE fireworks and were terrified.
So today Caro swung into action. She has very carefully made strategic friends with all of the cat and dog owners in the neighbourhood. And although she didn't do it herself, she just "mentioned" that "someone" should REPORT IT TO THE COUNCIL if the neighbours lets off nuclear fireworks again.
"Old retired people with time on their hands," she smirked at me afterward. "Those neighbours will rue the day..."
So that's where we are now. The Cat Mafia has been alerted. Wheels are in motion. Soon our neighbours will sleep with the fishes. Or at the very least our neighbours will sleep with the tuna and mackerel Applaws.
And Crashy here has recovered well from the trauma. Caro and her mob buddies will keep him safe.
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