
By MerrilHope

Happy New Year everyone!

 With half an hour to go until midnight, today's photograph of the New Year's party at the Gardeners with Mine Host, Lee, in the foreground. No strangers here, as it was entry by ticket only and sold out weeks ago.  We were greeted at the door by Lee, giving each guest a glass of Prosecco. He is probably the best landlord I've ever seen at work and a major reason for the popularity of this pub. A great crowd were there tonight, including Gareth, Jo and myself, most folk dressing up for the occasion. My niece Maddy picked us up at 1am, her taxi service very much appreciated. Still makes me smile that the child now drives the parent :)

So, farewell to another year, and with it today we lost legendary DJ Johnnie Walker.  Sounds of the Seventies - those were the days.

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