Sue Foll's picture of the day

By POD2008


Today I'm on a film set photographing 50 football league mascots running to catch a bus in White City. It's a trailer for a new sports programme to be hosted by Manish Bhasin (who entertained my with pictures of his little daughter between takes).

We did about 7 takes and St John's Ambulance had to be put on standby after the third as a lot of these chaps were unused to this sort of exercise.

My 'minder' for the day was a lady called Natasha who's little daughter Taren sat on the pavement with me as I photographed the action asking "why are all those people running really fast for the bus then getting off again?"... this is the start of a very big conversation!

Top tip of the day: the way to remove chewing gum from your jeans (acquired while sitting on the pavement in Shepherd's Bush) is to put them in the freezer for a couple of hours. The gum solidifies and you can chip it off.

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