Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Another vet trip

Poor Lili, she is going through some health problems at the moment.  Yesterday I noticed a raw patch on the front of her - took photos (see extra, don’t look if a but squeamish) and sent to the vets.  Appointment made for late morning.  
Gill tge vet believes it is a yeast infection that she has been scratching raw (we think the emergency vet on Boxing Day had taken blood from here and it had aggravated her).  Anyway, she has a hibiscrub to be used to clean the area, steroid cream to be applied twice a day, big plasters to cover the area, soft wadding to cover then self adhesing bandage.  Understandably she is not impressed.

Wishing you all a Happy New Year, here’s to a happy, healthy and peaceful 2025.

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