New Adventures

By P1nkdragen

Belated Christmas

Today was our family Christmas dinner as we weren't all together on the day itself.  It was still a busy visitng day though - my cancelled sociliasing from the night beofre was re-arranged for the morning. Having been ill and not felt felt I'd been outside in about a month, I walked down to meet L in Bingley where we had breakfast in the lounge.  I was there just before they opened and grabbed one of the very few unreserved tables and the place was full within ten minutes - obviously a popular place!

Blip today is of the Belty field on the walk back up - always a good view.  The weather was nicer than it looked.  Once home, it was all hands on deck to help big sis with the dinner.  After, E roped me into making some Beano cards for his game which was fun, then we headed out to see pal A in the evening.  I felt a tickle in my throat again which I'm hoping isn't going to turn into anythign more serious - I've been ill enough for 2024!

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