We have four foreign exchange students at our local high school for this academic year......2 girls from Norway and Italy and 2 boys from Germany and Bulgaria. The lad from Bulgaria is very interested in photography and is actually a pretty good shooter. But he's limited in that his camera is an entry level DSLR and his photo knowledge has already eclipsed the camera's capabilities. But I have several Pro-level DSLR and MIRRORLESS bodies which are able to challenge him and I don't mind sharing.
The school is on Christmas break through January 1st so the Bulgarian shooter and I drove to Milwaukee on a photo safari to the Mitchell Park Conservatory...aka The Domes. It's a horticultural display of plants from around the world all housed in three geodesic domes. 1) A Show Dome that changes plants with the season; 2) a Tropical Dome featuring equatorial plants from around the world; 3) an Arid Dome featuring desert type plants from around the world.
Most plants are clearly labeled in common name and Latin name to help students and visitors keep track of what they are seeing. The Bulgarian shooter was just going nuts using my Nikon D500 DSLR and a 28-300mm lens...options which he does not have with his little P.A.S. body. The photo for the day was taken with one of my Z9 bodies. Look at how sharp it is. The Z9 has a fantastic high ISO noise-limiting algorithm but it wasn't necessary in the Arid Dome as there was plenty of light.
Springtime is the best time of year in the Arid Dome as the cactus bloom in profusion. I neglected to notice which species this flower was but it was growing off the stem of a tall plant shoot not unlike the central floral spike associated with a Yucca plant. This one surely is beautiful, right.
Check out the Wiki link to learn more about the domes:
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