
By ciorstain

Monday - first group energy session

This morning I got up early to prep for the 10 am session I was facilitation for 9 gorgeous humans.
It was the first time I did the Year review and clearing live and the first tim I did an energy session live too.
It was quite exhausting and I felt depleted afterwards,
I think it was good - everyone was engaged and a few shared even.

I faffed a bit then went for a walk in the Kiez, over the Cemetery, through the Market Hall and then to Chapter One for a coffee.

Back homeI sorted KLM and then hopped on a call with Angela.
Neil was out and went out again when I hopped on the 7 pm session with Luna.

Then we heated the Gulasch, opened a 2010 bottle of Brunello and had a fabulous dinner.

Blipping the only picture I have taken.

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