
By Angelique


A thank you to everyone who left very positive comments about my new frock. I had intended to finish the hem today but because the weather was being kind to us, I took Phoebe out for a long walk instead.

We went up the steep hill out of the village called Oldway. It is the way I travel to work which is significantly easier by car. Halfway up the hill, a sharp turn to the right takes you into Combecross Lane. I allowed Phoebes of the lead and we headed on and up towards Turn Around Tree. This would have been my blip but sadly the tree which features quite heavily in Peter Heard's original paintings (please take a look on google) has changed since Peter left the village last year. It used to have a heavily cropped bottom giving it a cut-off appearance. I presume it was being eaten by deer and maybe it is inaccessible now.

Peter is an amazing character and a very generous man and will always be missed by myself and Mr A. Peter likes Jazz and was always supportive whenever I sang.

But I digress, we have amazing views from gateways and the above blip is the view towards Wales looking over the Bristol Channel. The scenery here is very pretty and colourful with small fields dotted with cottages here and there.We call it Rupert Bear country and maybe some of you will see why.
This photo hasn't been adjusted or played with by any process.

Matthew rang this evening and apparently Taunton had rain. But although I saw thick dark clouds, mercifully it went in land and not on me.

Thank you for being such positive people and allowing me to share our wonderful area with you. Stay safe and healthy and until we 'meet' again.

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