Imagine the view....

By btc

Man o War beach...

...welcome to the South coast of England, I have decided to take myself on a little tour of the coast and English Riviera for a few days and this is my first stop at West Lulworth.

Even more shocking (especially for those of you close to me), I am doing this journey by means of camping, in a tent, (those who know me have now keeled over with shock), but here I am camping for the first time in my entire life apart from 1 school trip and its all quite a shock to the system however I have always believed that it not survival of the fittest, its survival of the most adaptable.

What a beautiful place it is though, giving me huge a dilemma on which shot to blip but this one won over the day, this came second.

It was nice to escape the horrible weather that greeted Londoners this morning to a much brighter place, I just hope that the sun shows its face again, god knows how I will cope if it stays cold.

I will apologise in advance because the other thing that I am discovering is that the world of 3G is much harder to play with in the wilderness so my blipping, commenting and replying might be very sporadic over the next week or so, so please be patient with me.

Speak again soon

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