Brief snow
The weather in Tain itself is not bad at all. A bit wet, and a tiny bit of overnight snow on Sunday night which was gone within an hour of it getting light. Long enough, however, for me to catch a picture of the eleagnus, which is enjoying life in the north, I must say (and its new, larger pot, which almost never gets blown over....especially now I've put some large stones on the soil to weigh it down). Aside from doing a fairly long peloton workout (during which I resolved to make a careful note of the peloton workouts I do next year by way of a resolution for the new year), and walking along to one of the supermarkets, it was a fairly quiet day with some sofa reading time. I'm holding off well from doing any work.
We went for an early tea along to L and J's, along with N and A. We had a cheerful, surprisingly boozy, time, enjoying good food and great chat, not rising from the table for more than three hours. Afterwards we rolled (almost literally) back along the road and down the hill and more or less straight into bed.
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